La phrase interrogative
Hi guys!

Voyons comment construire la phrase interrogative en anglais !
Il existe plusieurs types de phrases interrogatives.
Tout d'abord, les questions fermées : ce sont celles qui ne peuvent avoir que YES ou NO comme réponse.
Do you come tomorrow?
Can he speak Spanish?
Viennent ensuite les questions en WH (WH-questions) introduites par un mot interrogatif commençant par WH : who, whom, whose, which, what, where, when, why et how (même s'il ne commence pas par WH).
Who is it?
What can he do?
Whose car is it?
When does your grandmother come to visit?
Where are you going?
Why didn't she say anything about it?
How could I know?
How long has he been smoking?
On peut également poser des questions sans mot interrogatif. Dans ce cas, un auxiliaire est placé en premier.
Can your brother swim?
Is he ready yet?
Do you speak English?
On remarque que l'auxiliaire "DO" sert d'auxiliaire pour l'interrogation avec les verbes. Cela est aussi vrai avec les pronoms interrogatifs.
Do you play football?
When does he come?
Where did he go on holiday?
What do you do tomorrow?
Mais si le pronom interrogatif est sujet, on n'utilise pas "DO".
Who broke that lamp?
What caused this mess?
Who saw you?
Who will tell them?
How many came?
À moins d'une emphase, comme par exemple : Since Matt didn't come, who DID come then? (Puisque Matt n'est pas venu, QUI est venu alors ?)
Les pronoms interrogatifs peuvent être complétés par d'autre mots pour développer la question.
Which of these books do you prefer?
How old are you?
Il faut pourtant faire attention avec les prépositions : on place certaines avant le mot interrogatif, mais d'autres nécessitent d'être placées après dans certaines constructions.
At what age did you learn English?
What is it like? (et pas Like what is it?)
What are you talking about? (et pas About what are you talking?)
Dans les cas d'interrogations indirectes (par exemple dans les discours rapportés), on garde les prépositions, mais on retrouve une forme de phrase déclarative et les verbes sont conjugués en concordance avec le reste du texte. L'auxiliaire "DO" disparaît (sauf dans le cas de la négation).
L'interrogation directe : "Why are they waiting?", she wondered.
devient une interrogation indirecte > She wondered why they were waiting.
The problem is how to convince them.
I ask him if he'll stay for the night.
Quelques exemples avec "do" :
Do you play football? > I ask him if he plays football.
When does he come? > You asked when he would come.
Where did he go on holiday? > They wondered where he went on holiday.
Why don't you come tomorrow? > She asks why you don't come tomorrow.
Et quelques uns sans auxiliaire :
Who broke that lamp? > His mother asked who broke the lamp.
Who saw you? > Mary asked who saw (have seen) you.
Who will tell them? > I wonder who will tell them. (I wondered who would tell them)

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