Work &co, find a job (1)
Hi guys!

Mémento de vocabulaire sur le thème des métiers en anglais !
C'est un large sujet, voyons ici deux univers : le bureau et l'hôpital !

to work
I work
he works

a worker
an employee

an employer

civil servant, (local) government officer =
le/la fonctionnaire

pensioner, retired person =
le/la retraité(e)
retirement =
la retraite

an unemployed person
at the office

the boss
the employer

the employee


the secretary

the accountant
the bookkeeper

the cleaner
the cleaning lady
at the hospital

the doctor

the dentist

the ophtalmologist

the pediatrician, the paediatrician (uk)

the nurse

the ambulance driver
the paramedic

chemist's (uk)
drugstore (us)
the pharmacist
the chemist (uk)

veterinary, vet

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